The Way I See It

Let me start by saying that I’m not a professional movie critic. I’m just a guy who likes to watch movies. The opinions I express here belong to me and me alone. Even I make mistakes or forget specific details, and if I’m called out on such errors, I’m more than happy to correct them. Lastly, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, but I do expect everyone to be polite.

Concerning the politeness thing. The internet is a big, labyrinthine place. I realize that it’s entirely possible people who have been involved in the making of the movies I review might stumble across this blog. I also realize that I may comment on a movie’s acting, storytelling, plot, or lack thereof. These comments are based on my observations and opinions. They aren’t intended to be malicious or hurt anyone’s feelings. If they do, I apologize, but it wasn’t my intention.

The only kind of troll I respect.
As a writer, I understand what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a negative review. In some cases, negative reviews can be unfair due to personal bias or malicious intent. However, I believe the bulk of reviews express legitimate opinions, whether or not they are shared by others. As such, they are things we, as creative people, can learn from.

Then again, sometimes a troll is just a troll.

I’m also honest, painfully so. I don’t ever expect anyone to ask me to skew a review to sound favorable, but if such a thing does take place, I’ll stick with my integrity and write it like I see it. There’s nothing worse than hearing that a movie (or album or book or game or whatever) is awesome, then finding out the hard way that it was over hyped.

Everyone should have a voice. Everyone should be able to express their opinions and beliefs without fear. Some people definitely take it too far, though, and it’s sad that we often have to hope for the best and expect the worst, especially in regards to our fellow humans.

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